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Review of Azul: Be an Artist and Decorate the Royal Palace of Evora

Review of Azul: Be an Artist and Decorate the Royal Palace of Evora

Cesar Cusin

Please King of Portugal, Manuel I, by decorating his walls with tiles. If you're looking for strateg...

azul party game galápagos tiles

Colt SUPER Express review: Chaotic, quick and fun!

Colt SUPER Express review: Chaotic, quick and fun!

Antônio Laerte

A dynamic party game, full of interactions and about a train assault? That's Colt!

party fun board games

Dixit - Review, Rulings, Turns and Scores

Dixit - Review, Rulings, Turns and Scores

Cesar Cusin

Have fun, make choices, give clues, use your strategy and embrace your creativity. This is Dixit!

Dixit CardGame PartyGame
