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Review of Terraforming Mars: Control a Mega Corporation and Make Mars Your Home

Review of Terraforming Mars: Control a Mega Corporation and Make Mars Your Home

Cesar Cusin

It's the year 2400, and the Earth's World Government is hiring Mega Corporations to terraform Mars, ...

terraforming mars dice

Ra: The Dice Game Review - Build your own egyptian civilization!'

Ra: The Dice Game Review - Build your own egyptian civilization!'

Cesar Cusin

Seek to expand your power and fame by influencing pharaohs, building monuments, taking care of agric...

ra dice game review

Review of Summoner Wars - A love letter to the ex

Review of Summoner Wars - A love letter to the ex

Roberto Pinheiro

Summon units to defeat your opponent in a card game that combines somewhat tight tactical combat, in...

boardgame cardgame dices 1x1 2players
