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보드 게임은 카드 렐름 웹사이트의 한 섹션으로, 다양한 보드 게임을 즐기는 플레이어들을 연결하는 데 전념하고 있습니다. 여기서 사용자들은 보드 게임을 공유하고 교환하며, 보드 게임과 관련된 일일 뉴스를 업데이트하고, 대회에 참여하고, 다양한 다른 보드 게임 관련 활동에 참여할 수 있습니다.

유행하는 기사

Rummikub Review: A game where each round is a challenge!

Rummikub Review

Rummikub Review: A game where each round is a challenge!

Solo Board Games: Examples and Tips

Solo Board Games: Examples and Tips

Faraway Review: Explore the Mysterious Alula Continent

Explore Alula!

Faraway Review: Explore the Mysterious Alula Continent

Bang Review: Have a Shootout, Spaghetti Western Style!

Bang! Bang!

Bang Review: Have a Shootout, Spaghetti Western Style!

Review of Terraforming Mars: Control a Mega Corporation and Make Mars Your Home

Terraforming Mars!

Review of Terraforming Mars: Control a Mega Corporation and Make Mars Your Home

Spyfall Review: A Game In Which Bluffing Makes a Difference!


Spyfall Review: A Game In Which Bluffing Makes a Difference!

Interview with the Game Designer, Roberto Pinheiro

Interview with the Game Designer, Roberto Pinheiro

Zombicide Review: Try to survive chaos!

Zombicide Review

Zombicide Review: Try to survive chaos!

Timeline Review: Journey Through the History of the World

Review Timeline Card Game

Timeline Review: Journey Through the History of the World

Cryptid Review: Where do Monsters Hide?

Cryptid review!

Cryptid Review: Where do Monsters Hide?

Turing Machine Review: Crack the Code with a "Punch Card" Computer

Let's crack this code!

Turing Machine Review: Crack the Code with a "Punch Card" Computer

Furnace Review: Become A Successful Capitalist in the Late 19th Century!


Furnace Review: Become A Successful Capitalist in the Late 19th Century!

Blue Moon City Review: Lead the Reconstruction of this Mythical City

Blue Moon City!

Blue Moon City Review: Lead the Reconstruction of this Mythical City

Black Sheep Review: Get Your Animals Back in Your Corral!

Explore Black Sheep!

Black Sheep Review: Get Your Animals Back in Your Corral!

Rise to Power Review: Become the CEO of an Electric Company!

Rise to Power!

Rise to Power Review: Become the CEO of an Electric Company!

Dixit - Review, Rulings, Turns and Scores

Dixit - Review, Rulings, Turns and Scores

Board games you should consider playing with family at home

Board games you should consider playing with family at home

Comparing the best Board Games websites to play online

Comparing the best Board Games websites to play online

Review - Isle of Skye: Develop your territory and take over the Island

Review - Isle of Skye: Develop your territory and take over the Island

Settlers of Catan board game creator Klaus Teuber dies at age 70

Settlers of Catan board game creator Klaus Teuber dies at age 70

Fake Casino Strategies – Revealed by Former Casino Employees

Fake Casino Strategies – Revealed by Former Casino Employees

SpellBook Review: Write your Own Book of Spells and Take Part in the Grand Rite

Your deck!

SpellBook Review: Write your Own Book of Spells and Take Part in the Grand Rite

Sky Team Review: Prepare for Landing


Sky Team Review: Prepare for Landing

Café Review: Stock the Most Exquisite Coffee Shops in Portugal's Bélle Époque

Bélle Époque!

Café Review: Stock the Most Exquisite Coffee Shops in Portugal's Bélle Époque
