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Magic: the Gathering
Pokemon TCG
Yu-Gi-Oh TCG
Flesh and Blood
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Cesar Cusin
A real-time game that will test your logical thinking and visual perception by detecting patterns. T...
set boardgame
We play as owners of art galleries and negotiate paintings. We put works of art in auctions, and at ...
modern art auction boardgame bg
In Elder Sign, we're investigating the Miskatonic Museum, where bizarre events have been happening. ...
elder sign board game
In Bohnanza, we're farmers: we plant, harvest, trade, and sell beans. The bean market is big and eve...
Bohnanza board game
After years of peace, the World of Vigil has been attacked by Samael, the Fallen One! War is imminen...
ascension deckbuilding boardgame
We're scientists in 1950, and our challenge is to be the first to crack the secret code with the "pu...
turing machine alan turing board game
Christopher Anderson
In this article, I'll explore Cryptid's mechanics and gameplay, and give you some tips on how to pla...
board game cryptid mechanic teaching
Rodolfo Nogueira
Dominion, the successful board game, finally got a digital version for computers and smartphones on ...
Dominion steam boardgame deck building
In this article, we will explore the mechanics and curiosities about the creation of the successor t...
RPG For The Quest review
In Citadels, you'll need to hire individuals with various skills (architects, thieves, merchants, as...
citadels cesar cusin
Mining yellowcake, enriching uranium, using the reactor to produce plutonium, graduating engineers a...
manhattan project board game cesar cusin
Use your strategy and have fun connecting different cities and claiming train routes in North Americ...
ticket to ride board game
Please King of Portugal, Manuel I, by decorating his walls with tiles. If you're looking for strateg...
azul party game galápagos tiles
In this article, we explore Catan's universe of possibilities, understanding the game better and giv...
Catan Board Game Strategy
Quien tiene Coup tiene un juego de estrategia y faroles similar al poker
Your clan will compete against others to dominate the Island. Strong trade, large naval fleet, inves...
Board Game Isle of Skye Strategy
There are relatively simple missions, like getting food, or just staying alive. However, there is a ...
zombicide review
Natural resources, imposing armies, scientific evolutions and incessant commercial exchanges. Build ...
boardgames cardgame tabletop